Saturday, December 24, 2022

what are the basics of the gematria calendar?

The gematria calendar is an ancient Hebrew system of assigning numeric values to the days of the year. This system is based on a combination of gematria (Hebrew letter numerical values) and Hebrew numerology, providing each day with its own unique value. Here are the basics of how it works:

First, each day is assigned a Hebrew letter for its name. For example, April 2nd is called "Bet" in Gematria. Similarly, May 30th is "Shin" and December 15th is "Vav". Each letter has an assigned numerical value - for example, "Bet" =2, "Shin"= 300, and "Vav"= 6.

Second, each day also has a numerical value that results from adding up all of its digits. For instance, April 2nd (= Bet) is 2 + 0 + 4 +2= 8; May 30th (= Shin) is 3 + 0+ 5+ 3= 11; and December 15th (= Vav) is 1+2+1+5=9.

Third, finally the true Gematria Calendar involves taking all three values (the name-value, the digits-value and the final-value), and adding them together to come up with the total numeric value for that day - in this order: the name-value + digits-value = final-value. So for April 2nd (2+0+4+2 = 8 ), it would be: 2 (name-value) + 8 (digits-value) = 10 (final-value). For May 30th (3 + 0 + 5 + 3 = 11 ) it would be 3 (name-value) + 11 (digits-value) = 14 (final-value). And for December 15th ( 1+2+1+5=9), it would be 6 (name - value ) 9 (digits - value ) 15 (final - value).

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