Friday, March 31, 2023

Gematria what does mean

gematria is an ancient system of assigning numerical values to letters and words that was used in various forms by many cultures from antiquity to modern times. It is believed to have originated in the medieval period, though some argue its roots may go back much further. Even today, there are still some Jewish communities who use gematria as a method for religious interpretation.

At its core, gematria is a system of symbolic meaning derived from assigning numeric values to the letters of a language. Each letter is assigned a numerical value (sometimes the same value as its corresponding alphabet letter) and words are formed by adding up their individual numeric values. The sum of these numbers is then used as a tool for analysis or understanding of the words and their collective meaning within the culture or context they are being used in. Gematria can be seen as a form of numerology, except that instead of "reading" numbers like you would with traditional numerology readings, gematria assigns thematic symbolic meaning to longer works like poems and novels using numerical combinations.

In Judaism, it has become associated with Kabbalah — an esoteric field of study that attempts to uncover hidden mysteries at the core of Jewish belief — and uses gematria to interpret Torah (the five books of Moses). Gematria has also been used throughout history in Christianity and other religions as well. Those who practice Kabbalah believe that every single word holds deep spiritual significance, and thus can be broken down into meaningful components using gematria.

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